Computing & Communications Center

Guidelines for Secure Password Creation

Password Requirements


Passwords for WINDOWS accounts require the following:


Passwords for UNIX accounts require the following:

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Password Guidelines

How to create a secure password

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Password Responsibilities

  1. The owner of a username is responsible for all actions performed by that username, so it is important to keep your password secure. Never tell anyone else your password. (This includes coworkers, family members, Helpdesk employees, and the like.) If you think you have a problem that can only be solved by sharing your password with someone else (vacation, joint projects, supervisor access, etc.), contact the Helpdesk. We will work out an alternate solution for your particular department and circumstance. If anyone but the owner of a username is found logged in to that username, access to it will be immediately terminated.
  2. Don't be tricked into revealing your password. The only time you ever need to type your password is when logging in or changing it. No one from Information Technology will ever ask for your password. You should never provide it. If any person or program ever asks for your password, don't give it and report the incident to Information Security, via or phone number (508) 831-4800.
  3. If you think someone else has discovered your password, change it immediately. If you need assistance contact the Helpdesk.
  4. Log out or lock the computer when you are not using it. If you leave your desk with the computer logged in, someone else may access and possibly misuse your files, your accounts, and systems to which you have access.

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Maintained by itweb
Last modified: Sep 27, 2011, 21:19 UTC
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