16thth Seminar "Computer Modeling in Microwave Power Engineering"

Multiphysics Models and Material Properties

May 12-13, 2014

Karlsruhe, Germany

Social Program - Excursion to KIT Campus North


Prior to the Workshop presentations on Monday, May 12, the seminar participants have the opportunity to visit facilities of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

The trip is scheduled as follows::

8:15 Boarding the bus: Hotel Kübler, Karlsruhe
8:45 Arrival to KIT Campus North
9:00 Tour over the bioliq® facility
10:00 Visit to the high power gyrotron test stand
10:30 Visit to the HEPHAISTOS Experimental Center
11:15 Arrival at the Seminar venue

Facility Overview

The Karlsruhe bioliq® Process

The bioliq® pilot plant covers the process chain required for producing customized fuels from residual biomass. Being mainly synthesized from dry straw or wood, the biomass to liquid fuels offer environmental and climatic benefits through clean combustion. The integrative process chain, moreover, enables production of synthesis gas and chemicals. For more info, visit bioliq web site.

Gyrotron Test Facility

Part of the Fusion Energy Program at KIT is the design and development of high power microwave sources. Those are used in experiments on controlled nuclear fusion in magnetic confined plasmas for plasma ignition, plasma heating and plasma stabilization. Such gyrotron sources operate at frequencies in the hundred GHz range and at power levels up to 2 MW.

HEPHAISTOS Experimental Center (HEC)

The modular microwave product line HEPHAISTOS represents a radical innovation in the field of heating and process systems for material treatment. These chamber systems provide an excellent homogeneous field distribution. The generation of uniform and homogeneous fields at 2.45 GHz over a wide area has been a key problem of industrial microwave technology. There are several HEPHAISTOS microwave systems (up to 7500 l in volume) available for industrial process development. For more info, visit HEC on the web.


KIT will require the names of the visitors to their facilities to be available one week ahead of the tour. Therefore, only those seminar participants who register for the trip on or before May 2, 2014 are permitted to enter the KIT campus.

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